Thursday, January 7, 2010

Amazing news -- new guides for 2010 available now -- improve your life

What is your New Year's resolution? Do you simply want to improve your life? Read more? Research a new work from home solution? Find a better job? Eat healthier? Stop being manipulated?

What are your new ambitions and dreams for the upcoming year?

For some people, 2010 is big. To be honest, it hit ME like a ton of bricks. In the back of my head, I shamed myself. Why hadn't I planned to add "2010" to every copyrighted webpage page I owned? Why were all of the new products not up by the first of the year? And WHY, after ALL THIS TIME, was I still being so hard on myself?

I am sure it's something everybody can relate to. Resolutions, I believe, are hogwash, pure and simple. And I don't care if the word "hogwash" is out of date in 2010.

I believe in education. I believe in goals. And yes, I believe in happiness in 2010 and beyond.

That's why I am VERY proud to present LittleWhiteEbook's new storefront. We're getting a new logo, and adding some more stuff over the coming month. We currently have 14 total products up. Yes, some of them are previously published, but they have been checked for quality and we are NOT claiming any of them will make you rich, famous, or gorgeous overnight. (Of course, we DO wish you all the success in the world..)

We HAVE chosen books to help you live a better, more successful life. After all, isn't that all ANYBODY can hope for?

Visit our new, improved, happy Little White Ebookstore for our homeshoring ebook and much, much more.

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